About Us

About Us

A little bit about why we do what we do. 



Brackley Bar and Grill is the vision of local business owner Scott (aka Dread Scott). Wanting to own a bar and restaurant for many years and enjoying every moment of business ownership in Brackley, Scott decided to take the plunge and open Brackley Bar and Grill. 

"I wanted to create a comfortable setting for people to enjoy simple but outstanding food in Brackley, as well as have a bar that offers high quality drinks from a wide range of choices. 

Not only this but to use the space available to cater to events, clubs and special occasions."


At Brackley Bar and Grill produce is locally sourced, ensuring that we are contributing to help business in the local area. Our chef is highly passionate about food and has designed the menu from the ground up for your enjoyment. 

Scott has made numerous contacts over the years and has carefully selected the beers, wines and spirit to not only compliment the menu, but to also offer a great watering hole for everyone to enjoy a few on the weekend.

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